Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Destroying Our Hair

So I guess it’s time to vent…as this will be my last post on hair for the week, but it’s been such a hot topic this week...I want to start getting into some of my other topics.
So one of my friends on FB had a question for the brothers of why where are the brothers that like natural hair…she’s a newly sister locker (it’s coming along quite nicely) and a former loose natural
One of the comments that was made that women w/natural hair have a certain air, or arrogance about them…or that they want everyone to join the movement like we’re better. Comparing the experience to how dark skin people and light skin black people treat each other in a discriminatory fashion.
My response???
  ..we are destroying ourselves ...for the sake of american beauty...people have a negative connotation on locs, natural hairstyles...we as black people have so a narrow view on what beauty is, what healthy is...its a discrimation all over again...you know how many people walk up to me and say so how do you clean your hair, is it dirty, thats not professional, you cant do nothing w/your hair, i should take that out...so if I have a lil arrogance its more of being proud of my decisions including my hair, just like I should be proud of being black. 
i think sometimes natural sisters want to raise awareness, whats wrong w/letting our people knw that the chemicals cause fading hair lines, tractional alopecia
For me...It’s all about how we take care of our hair…even if we choose these styles making sure that we are maintaining the hair underneath the braids or weaves and not over processing our hair I think we should be aware not because I am locked but bc I am a concerned sister about our women in our community. How we identify beauty, is it safe to say that women who have permed their hair their whole lives (I am a former one) that it’s okay. When we have young girls in as young as 9 getting weaves, girls that will never wear their own hair or not having hair and barely in high school…is this what we want to teach our young black girls that the only way keeping up the “image” is not to embrace who they are? What are we doing for these young girls self esteem? This youtube story was very interesting...and shows how even ones parents actions affected her own daughter into wanting that look like her mom...until her mother made a stand to show her that it doesn't matter...all hair is beautiful...and we need to stop  hiding.


next week....we will be talking about health...i am trying to get healthy ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Well I think your locs r beautiful! And like anything that is good 4 u, we tend to try to influence others to see things the way we do. Most black women have the option of wearing their hair straight or any other way they choose. I just say let it be healthy, and take care of your hair. I hate to see hair disrespected and unattended.
